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Site Manifest (12024-05-15)

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Live Pages
404.htp File Not Found 12020-06-04 12023-05-09
88s.htp Bytemoth's Button Bonanza 12020-06-08 12024-03-08
about.htp About Bytemoth 12020-07-18 12024-05-10
about-injokes.htp Top Ten Inside Jokes 12020-06-05 12020-06-08*
about-netmake.htp Web-Weaving History 12020-12-07 12023-02-14*
about-netsurf.htp Web-Surfing History 12020-12-07 12021-03-24*
about-quizzes.htp Quiz Results 12019-06-12 12023-08-20
cgadd.css HyperCGA 1.666 Double Density 12023-04-22 12023-06-28
discord.htp Neocities Discord Servers 12019-02-07 12023-05-01*
dive_.htp The Deep Dive 12020-05-28 12023-05-09
dive_ads.htp On Web Ads 12021-10-28 12013-11-10*
dive_img.htp Image Format Guide 12021-10-28 12022-06-30*
dive_religion.htp Faith and Folly 12021-10-27 12014-06-23*
dive_soap.htp Soap Bar Review 12021-10-29 12021-11-18*
dive_stopit.htp Knock These Off 12021-10-28 12015-12-12*
dive/lebrevps.txt VPS Price List 12021-09-09 12021-11-15
dive_tech_eme.htp On Encrypted Media Extensions 12021-10-27 12014-07-26*
dive_tech_llm.htp How to ERP with your GPU 12023-11-27 12024-05-15
dive_uspol.htp On American Politics 12021-10-27 12013-07-27*
dive_utc.htp Z Is The Cure 12021-10-27 12014-06-23*
dive_web11.htp Web 1.1 12021-10-28 12023-10-17
dive_zipit.htp Compression Algorithm Testing 12021-10-30 12021-11-02*
get.htp Webzones that Kick Ass 12022-04-16 12024-02-13
get-games.htp Ways to Play 12021-09-13 12023-08-17
get-pages.htp Maximum Overhomepageage 12019-06-08 12024-05-05
get-progs.htp Essential Programs 12021-07-16 12024-05-15
get-stuff.htp Five Star Buys 12017-05-26 12024-05-15
get-www.htp Zero-Bullshit Web Browsing 12020-06-09 12024-03-03
humans.txt humans.txt 12019-06-25 12023-06-28
index.htp Bytemoth's Brook 12020-06-26 12024-05-15
lib.htp Bytemoth's MIDI Library 12020-05-30 12020-06-03*
now.htp Bytemoth NOW! 12020-06-26 12024-05-15
now/today2020.txt Bytemoth Today! 2020 12019-12-06 12020-12-26
now/today2021.txt Bytemoth Today! 2021 12021-01-01 12022-01-01
now/today2022.txt Bytemoth Today! 2022 12022-01-02 12022-12-24
now/today2023.txt Bytemoth Today! 2023 12023-01-01 12023-12-31
now/today.txt Bytemoth Today! 2024 12023-12-31 12024-05-15
pc.htp TFW Computers 12020-06-08 12024-05-15
pc-beige.htp Beige Whales 12020-06-20 12023-10-16
pc-classic.htp Classic Systems 12020-06-27 12024-05-03
pc-console.htp Dat Collection Tho 12020-06-27 12023-06-30
pc-laptop.htp Pre-Built Systems 12020-06-27 12024-05-15
pc-linux.htp Programs for Penguins 12023-04-16 12024-05-15
pc-modern.htp Once-Modern Builds 12020-06-03 12024-05-15
warp.htp Warp Station 12020-05-28 12023-01-30*
webrings.htp Webbed Rings 12020-06-27 12023-07-20
webgarden.html Webgarden 12021-03-11 12024-05-15
Planned Pages
about-phones.htp Phones I've Owned 12023-01-24 12023-06-16
dive/gpt/ #DWB does GPT 12020-02-08 12020-05-29
dive_dscCameras and Pictures
dive_ncN.E.O. Classical
dive_ynDream Diary
dive_tech_sd.htp Stable Diffusion Crash Course 12023-08-01 12024-04-06
dive_ywd.htp A History of The Yesterweb 12023-04-13 12023-06-16
rocks.htp Bytemoth.Rocks (Integrated) 12023-07-22 12023-07-22
get-youtube.htp The Broadcasted Self 12022-04-28 12023-07-27
# NODEINFO 12023-04-30 12023-04-30
yawn.htp *YAWN* 12023-04-10 12023-04-13
?Bytemoth's Fav Foods
?Media Watchlist
?Consistent Site Layouts
?Webpage Content Tabs
?Evolution of Neocities
?Evolution of
?Evolution of Bytemoth
?Tribute to SheezyArt
?Tribute to DOS Malware
Historic/Redundant Pages
europa/ Bytemoth's EUROPa Page 12014-05-24 12021-05-08
cgahd.css HyperCGA 1.44 High Density 12018-02-19 12023-01-09
flock/ It's The Flock! Pages [5] 12017-05-17 12019-07-12
flock/oldthreads.htm - It's The Flock! Threads 12016-05-02 12016-05-03
madman.htm MADMAN.EXE 12013-10-25 12019-02-09
warlockhive.html The wARloCkHIVE 12020-12-06 12023-01-04
cd5k-net/www/ - Cybernetic Demise 2016 12015-12-06 12020-05-12
cd5k-net/www/cga.css -- HyperCGA 1.31 12014-01-11 12016-05-28
cd5k-net/www/dig/ -- Digital Burrows Closure 12017-05-14 12017-06-11
cd5k-net/www/flock/ -- It's The Flock! Pages [4] 12016-01-19 12020-05-12
cd5k-net/www/t/ --- Tumblr Redirect Generator 12016-01-20 12016-07-19
cd5k-net/www/pcp/ -- Perfectly Cooked Pages 12015-12-06 12019-06-08
cd5k-net/www/whatsnew/ -- CD5K Neus and Wpdates 12015-12-07 12016-07-31
mothzone/ - MothZone 2009 12019-03-29 12023-04-20
people/ -- NeoZones Redirect 12020-11-28 12023-01-11
rocks/ - Bytemoth.Rocks (Standalone) 12017-12-23 12023-01-11
super.htp - SuperLemon SuperRedirect 12020-12-07 12020-12-07

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