Bytemoth's Brook


88s, about, LocalLLM, Now, Webrings;
GetLinks: Web1.1, GetEXEs, 0BS-WWW, GetStuff, GetPages;
PCs: Classic, Linux, Modern, Prebuilt, BeigeWhales
Fixed background on Neocities 404


88s, Consoles, Prebuilts +Hover zoom; GetLinks, GetApps, GetStuff, GetGames, GetPages, GetWWW, ClassicPCs +Links; PCs, ModernPCs adjusted; Manifest +mascot; Linux New!; Mothzone updated; +3 Quizzes; Nav link and transparency switcher added to all pages. Webgarden EXPANDED. Dates changed from AD to HE.


88s +buttons
ClassicPCs Linksorting
GetApps Notepad2
GetPages Maintenance
/pcp/ redirected to clean up stray files. Removed all HTML5, WEBPs, most CSS3, and UAcheck.js


New! Manifest (sitemap)
Discord user counts
GetLinks +template
GetApps Win7 ain't dead
GetGames Sauce Pauts
PCs +Display
BeigeWhales +Mini-PCs
Webrings +NeoSSG
Removed links


GetLinks +deads
GetApps +yt-dlp
ZeroBS +alts
GetPages +stuff
PCs +peripherals
ClassicPCs +Vista Prebuilts +link
Webrings +when
Removed links


Web1.1 +Link
GetLinks +Templates
GetPages +Buttons
ZeroBS Rimgo, Search
ModernPCs +FM2 rigs
ClassicPCs +Links
Prebuilts Reorg'd
BeigeWhales +Items
Hotlinkers pranked


GetLinks templates
GetApps avoidables
ZeroBS links
GetPages buttons
PCs jazzed up
ModernPCs streamlined
That Sure Was A 2022
Removed links


88s +Others' collections
About +Tablets I've used
Quizzes +1 result
GetLinks +Tombstones
GetGames +Link, AV table
GetStuff +Links
PCs +Monitors
Prebuilts +Links
ClassicPCs +Links
BeigeWhales +Items


Discord Added Yesterweb Bar
GetLinks Added graveyard
GetStuff Added headphones
GetPages 200+ followers!
BeigeWhales Chrono sorted
BoldType Added HFY stories

12022-07- 08- 09- 10- 11-16

(Hover for notes)
about, Imgs, Web1.1, GetLinks, GetApps, GetBrowsers, GetStuff, GetGames, GetPages, Now, PCs, ModernPCs, Prebuilts, Consoles, BeigeWhales, Webrings,
most wikia/fandom links replaced with alternatives

6 Years!

New! GetLinks GetGames GetStuff 42/48
Updated: 88s GetApps ZeroBS-WWW GetPages About Quizzes Discord Now! Consoles
Changed: Fixed certain GIFs eventually stopping.


about Vegetable tier list, rearranged testimonials
discord Updated user counts
Web1.1 +1 manifesto
0BS-WWW DOS browsers
GetPages +buttons


0BS-WWW Imgur alternative
GetPages +8 buttons
ImgFmts +1 link
ClassicPC more info/new build


Web1.1 More MFin links, Webrings Added new Yesterweb widget, GetApps 4 utilities replaced with HWiNFO (h/t to whoishohokam), 0BS-WWW Added software, GetPages +2 buttons, About added fruit tier list


ClassicPC +Screensavers, build recs
Prebuilts +Mac SW links
GetApps +2 links
GetPages +6 buttons
0BS-WWW +Alternatives
Discord counts updated
Web1.1 +1 link


about New SIs for 2022
web1.1 links replaced with
PCs Expanded with more info
0BS-WWW Expanded for 2022
GetApps Added DistroChooser GetPages +1 button, +3 bluebox


getpages +3 bluebox, +4 buttons, web1.1 +1 link, getapps Replaced Gopher Browser with Lagrange, updated AV recs
Now That's What I Call 2021
The New Now-rmal


about: revised dislikes column
discord: updated user counts


about: new summary tab
getpages: +6 sites
beigewhales: laserdisc player


88s added a source, about reworded TLDR/DNI, added links, more SIs/food, quizzes resized images, +1 quiz, soap added honorable mentions, web1.1 added links, getapps switched HES archive, getpages dealt with yall going through usernames like iphones this week


about Reworded DNI section, quizzes +5 results, getpages +7 followers


about +Prev SIs, lebrevps.txt, getpages +1 88x31, now Added note of weekly updates for today.txt


Happy Website Wednesday! about Took the Colbert Questionert, discord RIP to Neocities Chatroom, dive article metadata fixed, getpages More buttons.

Extra links added to Image Format Guide and Web 1.1 Manifesto.


Updated: /index, /88s 1 new button, /about Prev. SIs added, /discord Fixed 38caution's link, /dive is live, /getpages New mutuals!, and /now.

getapps: replaced windirstat with wiztree, security/debloating section added


Plant 'em however ya want, but IMO all'a y'all completely misinterpreted this concept. These could be "here's what's new on these cool sites", but alls I'm seeing is "pointless landing pages but in small boxes". lmao

September 12021

added some missing buttons, a new cellphone, and 4 more quiz results

LEBREVPS Decided to comb through the entire LEBRE Whitelist of VPS providers and write down the cost per year of their 256MB, 512MB, and 1GB systems (if available)

June 12021?

supa advanced css tabs added to /about/ so it has a less intimidating length ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Fixed breadcrumb navigation

April 12021

wARloCkHIVE: Seedy Fivek And Other Webzonés Has Been DISTIBUTATED

Static sites work anywhere
so put them everywhere!

January 12021

Minor updates; changed 'tech wishlist' to 'beige whales' and added some items.

December 12020

New! About, NetMake, NetSurf.

Kinda feels like I just rambled out a bunch of nonsense here that only has significance to me, but hopefully this is interesting to someone. 25/41 pages complete.


22/38 pages updated; PCs section complete;

had the galaxy brain idea to use htp's file include command to use the same files to generate index.html tabs and seperate pages for Dive/Warp/Webrings/Now


not_found: lms if you forgot to make a new 404 page when you redesigned your site


Site changed from Perfectly Cooked Pages to Bytemoth's Brook.

Only 11/33 pages done but screw it, have a revamp. Refresh yourself in Bytemoth's Brook! This concludes our regularly unscheduled "bytemoth has a website but doesn't update it for a full year" test.

May 12020

05-27: Discord Added 38Caution Zone

The HTP markup preprocessor is Digital Warlock approved.

05-18: Now, Webrings

forgot to upload a css file

September 12019

Discord AntLand replaced with GamesAndMore, added

hey guess who left a dead link on their index page for months lol

Discord Removed deleted servers

June 12019

Discord New servers; archives switched to bz2 to save space

CDFU reinstated. Go there if you want to see the original version of the Ultraverse and secondary homepage I uploaded in 2016.

Discord Updated background images, added a new server to replace OwlMania, joined Hotline Webring and Cool And Good.


Discord Corrected invite links for Miacities and Leroystan has been 500ing for three days straight, so I've made a new primary Mastodon account on


PCP Updated for first time in exactly two years.

Dealt with links that'd been broken since Neocities turned on HSTS.


Joined Neocities, custom domain established at (before using www.* for domains was disallowed on 12016-12-16).

I wanted to join on 05/12 but missed it by six minutes because I was busy registering prior.


Began writing the Perfectly Cooked Pages.
